[PacKay Productions Announcements] Trapped inside? Winter blues got you down?

From: "PacKay Productions" <announcements@packay.com>
Subject: [PacKay Productions Announcements] Trapped inside? Winter blues got you down?
Date: January 31st 2014

We hope your New Year has been wonderful so far! Even though things SEEM to have been a bit quiet around here, if you're familiar with our wacky gang, you know that won't be the case much longer!

Trapped inside? Winter blues got you down? Join Ket, Rudy, Li'L and Wellington on a musical trip to the circus
If you've ever taken a family trip with the kids in the car, you'll feel Rudy's pain in this fun-filled cover of "I'm Mad!" from 90s cartoon classic ANIMANIACS.
Just like Wakko in the Animaniacs version, L'il can't find her clothes, her socks are full of wholes, and her shoelace has a knot; ironically, she doesn't wear clothing socks or shoes. 
Make sure you stick around after the song, because we have a surprise for everyone at the end of the video... dun, Dun, DUN!!!
Kay, Jen and Packy, The PacKay Productions Team


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