[PacKay Productions Announcements] New Video! Happy Friday & "Parenting Tips"

From: "PacKay Productions" <announcements@packay.com>
Subject: [PacKay Productions Announcements] New Video! Happy Friday & "Parenting Tips"
Date: February 22nd 2013

Hello Mailing List Pals!

First off, thanks for accepting our invitation to join the PacKay Productions mailing list! This will be your one-stop spot for all news relevant to the various and exciting "goings on" here with our new company!

And since I've promised exciting things.... here's the first one!

HAPPY FRIDAY! As an awesome kickstart to your weekend, how about a new video from the characters of PacKay? In this, our first "full team" production of 2013, Rudy Monster and Ket T Cat bring you a helpful tutorial on parenting! Now that Rudy has more or less "adopted" Ket, he's got a lot of surprises in store!

Click to WATCH "Parenting Tips" on YOUTUBE! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHdKgZ8CPx8

Wellington P. Sheep also wishes to remind everyone that his web series has begun. In "Words With Wellington" you will get a firsthand, up close and (at times) entirely too personal glimpse into the world of his mind. Episode 3 was posted just last week with plenty more to come... is that a promise or a threat?? :)

WATCH "Words With Wellington" on YOUTUBE! - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlnYB_D3KhMUy2Lg7GrdMqkWu6wt9Ygj-

As always, thanks for your support, everyone. Have a fabulous Oscars weekend!

See you soon!
- Kay and Packy (and "the rest!")

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